Why You Should Store CBD Oils in Dark Glass Bottles

Dropper with Dark CBD Oil Bottle

Storing CBD oils in dark glass bottles is vital to ensuring CBD’s efficiency. You can buy high-quality CBD oil, but inappropriate storage can affect the product’s composition and strength. Storing CBD oil in the right bottle preserves its potency, fostering the product’s longevity. Leading CBD brands pack their CBD oil in dark bottles for a good reason. Below is a detailed guide on why you should store CBD oil in dark glass bottles.

Factors That Affect CBD Oils 

Leading CBD manufacturers pack CBD oils in dark bottles to protect the formulations from light and air damage. Temperature and contaminants also affect the integrity of CBD oils.


Visible and ultra-violet (UV) light affect CBD oil’s quality. Light can break down ingredients in the product, making it lose its potency and effectiveness much faster. Storing CBD oils in dark bottles protects them from the effects of light, enhancing the longevity of CBD oil. Ensure you keep your CBD oil in a dark place, such as a drawer or drug cabinet, to keep it away from light.


The active ingredients in CBD oil can interact with oxygen in the air and other components in the atmosphere. The reaction between CBD oil ingredients and oxygen affects the potency and effectiveness of the product.

Ensure you seal your CBD oil bottle after measuring each serving to reduce exposure to air. If you buy a large amount of CBD oil, such as 60ml or 120ml, consider pouring some into a smaller dark bottle for use and keep the rest for later. That way, you limit CBD oil’s exposure to air.


High temperatures break down CBD oil, changing its composition, potency, and effectiveness. That is why you should keep your CBD oil away from hot areas. You should store CBD oil in a cool, dry place at 21°C or lower to enhance its longevity. High-quality CBD products can be costly, and you do not want poor storage conditions affecting your CBD oil.


Try your best to keep your CBD oil away from contaminants. CBD oil comes in bottles with droppers for easy measuring. Do not touch the dropper to prevent contaminating the CBD oil. As you administer each serving of CBD oil under the tongue, make sure it does not touch your mouth. Moreover, do not lick the applicator to maintain the integrity of the CBD oil.

Why You Should Store CBD Oils in Dark Glass Bottles

You should store CBD oils in dark glass bottles to prevent visible and UV light from breaking down CBD oil. Many leading CBD oil brands package their CBD oils in dark brown glass bottles to protect the formulations from light damage.

Dark bottles help keep light away from CBD oils, fostering the product’s potency and effectiveness. If you need to divide your CBD oil quantity into another bottle, make sure it is dark.

Using Other Colored Bottles

Some brands pack CBD oil in blue and green bottles. While these limit exposure to light, they are not as good as dark brown bottles. If you have to store CBD oil in a blue or green bottle, remember to store it in a dark place, such as a drawer, for more protection from light. Otherwise, it is prudent to keep your CBD oil in its original dark brown bottle as the manufacturer intended.

Multi Colored CBD Oil Bottle

Why Clear Bottles Aren’t the Best Option

Clear bottles are not the best option for storing CBD oil. As mentioned earlier, dark brown glass bottles are the best for protecting CBD oil from light. Light easily passes through clear bottles, reaching CBD oil and lowering its potency and effectiveness. You do not want to use CBD oil at a lower potency when there are ways to preserve its composition and quality for effectiveness. Dark bottles block light to protect your CBD oil from degrading.

What about Plastic Bottles?

Do not store CBD oil in plastic bottles. Oil reacts with plastic as time passes by, causing the plastic to deteriorate. The end result gets into the CBD oil in the bottle, causing contamination. The reaction between CBD oil and plastic affects CBD’s effectiveness in your body.  Besides, the contamination is not good for your health. Dark glass bottles are the way to go when storing CBD oil.

Does the Color of the Glass Matter?

The color of the glass matters. The lighter the shade, the lighter gets into the bottle. Store your CBD oil in dark brown bottles. They are the best way to protect CBD oil from light. Blue and green bottles may be an option if you cannot find a dark brown bottle. However, clear bottles are not the way to store CBD oil. Darker bottles are the best way to keep your CBD oil supply.

How to Store CBD Oil Correctly

We have already covered some aspects of how to store CBD oil properly. For starters, keep your CBD oil in a dark place, such as a drawer or medicine cabinet, to limit exposure to light. The dark brown bottle packaging is great, but you need to go further and keep CBD oil away from sunlight.

You should also store CBD oil in a cool area. Keep it away from heat and high temperatures to prevent components from breaking down. Doing this helps preserve the strength and composition of CBD oil to ensure it works in your body at its best.

Keep your CBD oil bottle sealed after measuring servings to prevent exposure to air. Oxygen reacts with cannabinoids and terpenes in the product, affecting its formulation. If you are not using your CBD oil, keep the seal tightly in place to limit exposure to air.

Moreover, in the process of storing CBD oil, avoid touching the dropper that comes with the bottle to prevent contamination. Our hands come in contact with many germs, and it is possible to transfer them to your CBD oil through the applicator. Additionally, as you place CBD oil drops under the tongue, avoid contact with your mouth to lower contamination.

Detecting CBD Oil That Has been Degraded

Knowing if CBD oil has degraded is easy with certain indicators. For example, if you notice that your CBD oil is darker than it was in the beginning, you should use it sooner. The darker it gets, the more degraded it gets and the less potent it becomes.

Another indicator is smell change. Naturally flavored CBD oil has an earthy, herbaceous smell. If you sense an odd smell, the oil is likely degraded. When flavored CBD oil has a change in smell, it is probably degraded.

You should also check the flavor of CBD oil. The flavor of CBD oil, whether flavored or not, should not be off-putting. If you notice a rather strange flavor in your CBD oil, it is probably degraded.

CBD oil degrades dues to exposure to light, high temperatures, air, and contamination. Ensure you protect your CBD oil from these aspects to maintain its potency and effectiveness. Storing CBD oil properly is not difficult.

Closing Thoughts

You should store CBD oil in dark glass bottles. Dark brown containers are the best, as they block out as much light as possible. Remember to also store your CBD oil away from light, high temperatures, and air for its potency and effectiveness. Use your drug cabinet or drawer to store CBD oil and be on the lookout for changes in CBD oil’s flavor, smell, and taste.


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