Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil: What’s the Difference?

Hemp Oil Bottle with CBD Leaves

The most typical question that we get is one. Is there any difference between Hemp Oil vs. CBD Oil? Also, what about marijuana? We get it; you need to know the difference between the three of them. After all, you need to know what you are going to buy. You need to understand how each of them works and the effects that they will produce on your body. Let’s not forget about how significant the benefits that they produce are.

In short, hemp oil is typically hemp seed oil derived from the crushing of hemp seeds. CBD oil is short for cannabidiol and is what you’re most likely interested in buying since it’s one of the many cannabinoids to have magnificent medicinal properties. Lastly, marijuana is the plant that produces a high potency of THC that people smoke or consume to feel “high” that CBD does not give.”

What is CBD Oil? 

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a potent compound. You will be able to find this chemical mainly in the leaves and flowers of Hemp.  

CBD Oil can benefit your body and mind mainly if you don’t feel comfortable utilizing medicinal marijuana. If you do not have any legal access to any medicinal marijuana, the same goes because you can use CBD oil as an option. The reason behind this is that it is excellent and safe to use daily. Therefore, you can use it as a daily supplement or utilize it as you need it.

There are three different types of CBD. Full-spectrum CBD has up to 0.3% of THC and other beneficial flavonoids, terpenes, and cannabinoids. Broad-spectrum CBD has no traces of THC and also has other beneficial flavonoids, terpenes, and cannabinoids. Lastly, there are CBD isolates. The latter is a white crystalline powder that is almost entirely pure CBD. Therefore, CBD isolates do not have other beneficial flavonoids, terpenes, or cannabinoids.

CBD oil is beneficial due to the following reasons:

  • has anti-inflammatory properties
  • can act as an analgesic
  • has mood-regulating effects
  • helps treat epilepsy
  • can help treat neurodegenerative conditions
  • helps treat depression and anxiety
  • can help treat addiction

You may find CBD oil in different products like oils, topicals, concentrates, and creams.

What is Hemp Oil?

Hemp oil refers to hemp seed oil. Its counterparts are different from it. It comes from the same plant as marijuana and CBD oil. However, its medicinal and nutritional properties are majorly dissimilar. You will find that there is not much common ground with marijuana and CBD oil. For this reason, you need to make sure that if you buy hemp seed oil, you want it as a nutritional supplement because you will not be getting the same therapeutic benefits that marijuana and CBD oil provide.

The producers of hemp oil get it by utilizing cold press technology on the seeds of the Hemp. You will be able to use hemp oil as a moisturizer if you use it topically. But you can also add it to your smoothies, protein shakes, or any other recipe.

Hemp oil is pretty much complete food that you might find, nutritionally speaking. We say this because Hemp oil is very rich in protein, fiber, and omega fatty acids.

“Hemp seed oil also has several possible benefits, including:

  • providing cardiovascular health benefits
  • modifying the immune system
  • improving skin conditions
  • improving gastrointestinal conditions.”
  • contains antioxidant effects
  • has anti-counter effects

What is Marijuana?

Marijuana comes from a different plant. It is not Hemp; however, they do belong to the same family. Therefore, they have relatively similar traits, and people end confusing them. Contrary to Hemp, you will find high levels of THC in marijuana. Moreover, the levels of CBD are pretty low in contrast to Hemp. Some of the most common names for marijuana or also cannabis dope, pot, or weed.

Since marijuana has high levels of THC, it can have a psychological effect if you consume it because THC is a psychoactive cannabinoid.

Marijuana is beneficial:

  • can help with pain
  • helps with anxiety
  • can help with nausea
  • prevents seizures
  • helps patients with cancer

CBD Oil vs Hemp Oil vs Marijuana

Cannabis Plants

Marijuana, CBD oil, and hemp oil are very different. Especially if you focus on hemp seed oil, it is entirely different from marijuana and CBD oil. However, they do come from the same cannabis family. So that is what they have in common.

You will be able to get hemp oil if you cold press the hemp seeds. On the other hand, if you want to get CBD, you can find it both in marijuana and Hemp. However, it would be best if you remembered that within marijuana, you would only find low levels of CBD. While on Hemp, you will find high levels of CBD. 

Last but not least, people most commonly use the marijuana plant to get “high” by smoking it. To get high or experience its psychoactive effects, people will smoke the marijuana plant’s leaves and flowers. People do this because they contain high levels of THC, which is the cannabinoid that provides the psychoactive effects.

Is Hemp Oil Better Than CBD Oil?

Whether hemp oil is better than CBD oil has to do with why you are using it. Both oils have different properties. Therefore, those properties will be helpful on different occasions.

“Hemp oil typically has more nutritional advantages, while CBD oil is best for treating the conditions we mentioned above (anxiety and depression). And, when it comes to hemp oil and CBD oil for pain relief, CBD oil wins (although hemp oil can help as well).”

What is Hemp Oil Popular for?

The most recent studies do suggest that hemp oil has several potential benefits. That is in comparison to the adverse effects, which are very few. For this reason, many people decide on hemp oil because it has potential for general wellness, pain management, anti-inflammatory, and anti-anxiety properties. “As long as the hemp oil contains a high level of this cannabinoid, it may be good for treating pain, anxiety, sleep disorders, inflammation, and more.”

Nevertheless, you do need to take into account whether you have hemp oil or hemp seed oil. Because hemp seed oil doesn’t have CBD, hemp seed oil won’t help you treat any previously mentioned conditions. Nevertheless, you will find that hemp seed oil is still very nutritious since it has fatty acids and Omega-3 on high levels and other vital vitamins that Hemp seed oil contains.

Is Hemp Oil Good for Pain?

Yes, you may be able to use hemp oil to relieve pain. You can apply the hemp seed oil topically. Also, you can ingest it. There are a lot of people that use it this way as natural pain relief. The reason behind this is that it has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it will be useful if you suffer from an injury, an autoimmune disorder, or a painful infection.

Hemp Oil or CBD Oil, Better for Anxiety?

When you are thinking about finding relief for your anxiety, it is imperative to find out whether Hemp oil vs. CBD oil will be best. Both hemp oil and CBD oil can help you reduce anxiety. But generally, people agree that CBD oil is the best to treat anxiety. The reason behind this is that it has a positive interaction with the endocannabinoid system. Since the endocannabinoid system is in charge of regulating your mood, it can be beneficial.

Can You consume Hemp Oil by Mouth?

Yes, you can safely consume hemp oil by Mouth. You can take one tablespoon as a supplement each day. Or you can add it to your sauces, soups, salad dressings, baked goods, smoothies, and oatmeal.


All in all, there are many differences between hemp oil versus CBD oil versus marijuana. So, you need to make sure what you need. To ensure that you are getting the right product. Please remember to consider the different benefits that each product brings. But don’t forget to consider the side effects that each of the products may bring.

You cannot fail to remember that some may or may not be legal where you live. Therefore, you may or may not be able to find certain specific products in certain states through legal means. So, if you want to be on the safe side, your best choice will be to consult with your doctor. They will be able to inform you properly which one will be the best option for you.


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