What is CBN? A Guide to Cannabinol

CBN Cannabinol

After the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill and the legalization of hemp, cannabinoids became legal for purchase. While CBD is the most popular cannabinoid from hemp, minor cannabinoids such as CBN (cannabinol) are increasingly becoming popular. Preliminary research reports indicate that they have significant therapeutic potential. This article introduces CBN, its difference from CBD, its benefits, and the potential risks and side effects of using it.

What is CBN?

CBN (cannabinol) is a mildly psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant.  CBN usually forms as a byproduct of THC compound after it breaks down. Note that as cannabis plants grow and age, the THC content usually oxidizes and transforms into CBN. That’s why early research studies indicate that CBN has almost similar health benefits to THC and CBN. It has several health properties including antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, analgesic, and others. The percentage of CBN is less compared to those of dominant cannabinoids, usually less than 1%.

What’s the Difference between CBN and CBD?

While both CBN and CBD are both cannabinoids from the cannabis plant, they are not the same. They can interact with the same receptors found in the body, but they usually produce different effects.

CBN is not as popular as CBD. It’s easy to find CBD products everywhere, including in local gas stations and grocery stores. However, the same doesn’t apply to CBN. This is because the compound isn’t as popular and for you to extract it, you need to remove the majority of the prevalent CBD and THC compounds from the cannabis extract. The fact that it’s not a dominant cannabinoid means that you can mostly find it in full-spectrum and broad-spectrum products.

CBN is mildly psychoactive while CBD is completely non-psychoactive. Thus, taking extremely high doses may result in mild psychoactive effects. CBD is mainly known for its health benefits, and it doesn’t alter the way the mind functions.

How Does CBN Work?

Generally, cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This is the main regulatory system in the body that’s responsible for homeostasis. ECS contains endocannabinoids that the body naturally produces. Besides that, it also consists of a family of receptors known as the cannabinoid receptors.

The most common and highly effective cannabinoid receptors are CB1 and CB2. Different cannabinoids usually bind or enhance the effectiveness of these receptors to produce different effects on the body.

Preliminary research studies indicate that CBN usually interacts with CB1 receptors. These receptors are mainly found in the central nervous system and the brain. Additionally, it has also been found that it slightly tends to bind to CB2 receptors which are dominantly found in the immune system. Enhancing the effectiveness and the body’s natural response to these receptors means that CBN can help regulate memory function, stress, sleep issues, pain and inflammation, and others. Research studies on the full functions and effectiveness of CBN are fairly limited. So, there is still a need for more scientific research reports.

Is CBN Psychoactive?

Well, CBN isn’t fully psychoactive. It’s important to understand that CBN is usually formed after the elements in THC psychoactive compound oxidize. So, taking CBN can make you high. However, you would need to consume a significantly high amount of this compound to experience such effects. This is because CBN is around 10x less potent compared to THC.

There are research studies that highlight CBN’s mildly psychoactive effects. On the other hand, there are studies that indicate this compound is non-intoxicating. It’s important for users to understand that taking CBN, especially in moderate doses won’t make you high or change the way your mind functions. This is because CBN doesn’t have an extremely strong affinity to CB1 receptors found in the brain.

What are the Benefits of CBN?

CBN organic compound has lots of potential health benefits. It’s generally popular for its sleep-inducing benefits. This is because it has potent sedative effects. Pairing CBN with other plant compounds such as CBD and terpenes can make it a high-quality sleep aid.

The use of CBN for sleep can be traced back to a study done in 1975 and research done on mice with sleep issues in 1995. They both produced positive results, implying that this compound had significantly improved the quality of sleep in the research subjects. Since then, people have widely used CBN to treat different sleep disorders.  Other therapeutic CBN benefits include:

Pain Management

CBN (cannabinol) is a mild agonist of CB1 and CB2 receptors. This means that it has minimal influence or doesn’t directly interact with them. But since it’s a byproduct that normally forms through THC’s oxidation, it can have great pain management properties. Research shows that it can trigger how the sensory nerves release peptides. Note that this process is important in managing pain signals.


The anti-inflammatory property of CBN makes it ideal for inflammation management. You can use it to treat and manage sore joints and conditions such as inflammatory bowel syndrome and arthritis.

Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis is a skin condition that usually causes constant discomfort. Patients normally have flaky and crusty patches that are covered with white-like scales. Evidence suggests that CBN can help reduce keratinocyte proliferation. Generally, people with psoriasis usually struggle with the excessive reaction of keratinocytes skin cells that lead to the formation of flaky skin patches. So, by significantly reducing the overactive keratinocytes, this compound can provide relief.

 Anti-tumor Property

This property is vital for people suffering from tumor growth. Studies have found that taking CBN can slow down the progress of tumors by managing the cellular channels. However, there is still a need for more research studies regarding this.

Other therapeutic benefits of CBN include:

  • Anticonvulsant
  • Bone regeneration
  • Appetite booster
  • Antibiotic

CBN Cannabinol Formula

How to Use CBN

Once the cannabis plant has come to age, the grower can harvest it for use. It’s important for the grower to ensure that they retain and protect the cannabis’ quality. So, they can wait until the trichomes fully deepen to produce a rich amber color before they can finally cut the plant. This is important because aging cannabis usually has high amounts of CBN.

Understand that currently, it’s not possible to solely find CBN products on the market. This is because there is a lack of extensive research regarding its profile, effects, and potential side effects. Also, the fact that it’s connected to aged or “expired” cannabis means that a lot of manufacturers aren’t interested in it.

However, this doesn’t mean that CBN products are not available entirely. In fact, many hemp-derived products such as broad-spectrum and full-spectrum CBD contain CBN which is important for producing the entourage effect. This means that CBN-rich products may sometimes contain trace amounts of THC content.

You can find CBN in various forms and the most common ones include CBN tinctures or oils, CBN capsules, and CBN gummies. Tinctures usually provide almost instant effects since they are usually taken sublingually. It should be noted that you can also mix oils with soups, beverages, and food. CBN gummies are usually ideal for pain management since they produce lasting effects. Capsules are also great for wellness management and are ideal for people who want to avoid the smell or taste of CBN. When it comes to dosage, there is no universal recommendation on how to use CBN.

Potential Risks and Side Effects of CBN

Research studies on the potential risks and side effects of CBN are limited. This makes it difficult to fully understand the safety of this compound. However, preliminary research reports indicate that CBN has not been linked to any toxicity. It’s highly likely to be safe as CBD since they both come from hemp plants. But due to different genetics, chemical responses, age, and dosage, users can experience potential side effects such as:

  • Dizziness: It’s most likely the side effect of fatigue or tiredness. However, this side effect is extremely rare, especially if you are using a high-quality CBN product.
  • Change in Appetite: CBN can play a significant role in appetite regulation. In some people, it might significantly suppress their appetite. This can be beneficial for people who want to lose weight by reducing their overall food portions.
  • Next-day Grogginess: Using CBN for sleep can lead to grogginess the next day. But in most cases, this side effect is usually dose dependent.
  • Increased Tiredness: The sedative effect of CBN can lead to increased tiredness. So, if you are using it during the day, it might be important to combine it with CBD.

Is CBN Legal?

Is CBN legal for purchasing and use? Well, since this is a hemp-derived product with less than 0.3% THC content, then it’s legal federally. The passing of the 2018 Farm Bill made all hemp-derived products legal under federal law. However, it’s important to understand that different states have different laws. As such, CBN might still be illegal for use in some states. for safety, ensure that you check the contents of your local legislation regarding CBN and other hemp products.

Where to Buy CBN Products

You can get CBN products from various retailers, be it physical retail stores or online shops. When making purchases, ensure that you do comprehensive research and only choose reputable companies. You will definitely find lots of options to pick from but consider the source of CBN. Check to determine if the product manufacturer has a certificate of analysis (COA) on the said product. this document is important in outlining all the compounds found in the product. It can also highlight the presence of harmful products such as molds, pesticides, and heavy metals. It’s important to analyze customer reviews online. This will help you determine if the product is safe and effective or of low quality.

Final Thoughts

CBN is a minor cannabinoid with a string of therapeutic health benefits. It was first touted to the public as an effective sleep aid. However, evidence suggests that the compound has a myriad of health benefits, including treating pain and inflammation. Besides that, it can play a role in regulating mood. CBN has a relatively good safety profile. However, users have to still exercise caution as it can lead to unwanted side effects. Its low availability means that you can find it in the market in full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD products.


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