CBD Dosage: How Much Should You Take?

A women is figuring out CBD Oil Dosage

You’ve probably seen people who use CBD talk about its numerous benefits. But what is the proper CBD dosage? How much CBD should you consume?

No matter the results you want, taking the right amount of CBD matters. If you don’t, you might end up not seeing significant changes.

Figuring out the proper CBD dosage can be difficult, given that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) doesn’t regulate CBD. Also, there are no standard recommended dosages for these CBD products.

We’ll tell you everything you need about how much CBD to consume. Also, in this guide, you’ll learn what the safe doses are, research into dosing CBD, and possible side effects of CBD.

What is CBD?

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is one of over a hundred active compounds in the hemp plant. These active compounds are known as cannabinoids, and they interact with the body in different ways.

CBD is not a psychoactive compound. That means you will not get high when you take it. Due to its non-intoxicating effects and purported health benefits, CBD has become increasingly popular. Different CBD products are available today, including CBD oils, gummies, topicals, capsules, and vapes.

Common Uses of CBD

At this moment, the only FDA-approved CBD product is Epidiolex. This medication is for seizures in people with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome. Except for this drug, the Food and Drug Administration does not oversee the use of CBD.

CBD has many properties and potential benefits, many of which come from its interaction with the ECS. The ECS, endocannabinoid system, helps maintain homeostasis, or balance, in the body. CBD supports this system, which is why many people take it for their health needs.

The endocannabinoid system maintains balance by regulating various body functions, such as:

  • Memory and cognition
  • Mood
  • Appetite
  • Reproduction
  • Sleep
  • Motor control
  • Stress
  • Inflammation

How Much CBD Oil Should You Take?

You have to find out how much CBD you need to take since there are no official CBD dosages. It’s best to speak with a healthcare provider with experience in CBD.

Furthermore, different factors determine how much CBD oil you should take. Some factors include your health condition and the individual endocannabinoid system (ECS). Cannabinoids like CBD interact with the ECS to exert their effects. This system regulates different activities in the body, from motor control to cognition.

CBD dosage remains an area of research, as we expect more quality, controlled studies. These studies will help determine safety guidelines, dosage, and efficacy in different conditions.

Currently, it’s best to start with a small CBD oil dosage. Then, slowly make increments until you achieve the desired effect. For example, when using CBD oil, you could decide to start with a drop of oil.

If you’re still unsure about how much CBD oil you should take, check out sites with CBD oil dosage calculator. Besides, when buying CBD oil from reputable brands, they usually include dosage guidelines. Start with the lowest dose possible and work your way up.

Research into CBD Dosage

There have been multiple research studies into CBD over the past few years. In a 2017 review, the authors noted that different studies found CBD a safe treatment. The studies in this review didn’t suggest an official CBD dosage for people to consume. Instead, they highlighted the fact that everyone responds differently to CBD.

Most human studies used CBD dosages ranging from 20 to 1500 mg daily. It’s important to note that there’s so much we don’t know about CBD. As the CBD industry grows, scientists will likely conduct more studies.

CBD oil bottle with dropper

Factors that Influence Dosage

Different factors influence your CBD oil dosage, and some of these include:

  • Body weight
  • The severity of the condition you’re treating
  • Your internal body chemistry
  • Consumption method
  • Prior experience with CBD
  • The concentration of CBD in your product

As you can see, different variables decide the CBD dosage you should use. Also, when it comes to how much CBD to take, talk to your doctor. Depending on your state, your doctor can give you a recommended dosage.

If your doctor can’t give you a recommended dosage, it’s best to start low and go slow. In other words, you should start with a lower CBD dosage and gradually increase it as you go.

For instance, you can decide to start with a dosage of 20mg CBD per day. If you don’t notice any changes after one week, you can increase it by 5mg. Do this until you find a working dose for your condition. Some companies also give you CBD dosage charts by weight and strength.

Furthermore, it’s best to record how much CBD you’re using and its effects on your symptoms. You might decide to buy a journal for that or use a note app.

How to Calculate CBD Dosage

Some CBD products, like CBD pills and gummies, come with predefined dosages. So, you know how much CBD is in a serving of the product. For instance, the package of CBD gummies can show that there are 15mg CBD per gummy.

For CBD oils, these products come in a dropper bottle. Most times, the supplier specifies how much CBD is in a drop. So, you can figure out how many drops make up the dosage you need.

Calculating CBD dosages when using CBD oils can be difficult, especially for beginners. Sometimes, the packaging might show only the total concentration of CBD per bottle, not in a single drop.

Keep in mind that a single drop is about 0.05 ml. This is only one drop, not a full dropper. Therefore, your 10 mL CBD bottle has about 200 drops.

If the label says the 10 ml CBD bottle contains 2000mg CBD, each drop has about 10mg of CBD. Therefore, to get 20mg CBD, you need to take two drops.

CBD Oil Dosage Based on Conditions

CBD dosage varies by the condition you’re treating. Research exists on the use of CBD at different dosage levels. Most clinical studies have used dosages between 80 to 100mg of CBD daily. In other studies, researchers used dosages as low as around 40mg.

The amount of CBD you need depends on your body and its response to CBD intake. As we mentioned earlier, everyone responds differently to CBD.

CBD tinctures are available in different strengths, ranging from 250mg up to 6000mg CBD per bottle. Typically, lower and medium strength oils such as 300mg and 600mg are best for boosting overall wellness. On the other hand, a stronger option, like 1200mg or higher, is perfect for managing severe health issues.

CBD Dosage Based on Consumption Methods

Besides conditions, CBD dosages may also differ based on your chosen consumption method. The following consumption methods of CBD are given below in detail:


Once you’ve chosen a strength that works best for your needs, you need to find the suitable dose. Always remember to go slow. So, if you’ve chosen a 1000mg bottle, you can decide to start with half a dropper per day.

One of the easiest ways to consume CBD is by using a tincture. You fill the dropper with the desired amount of CBD and place it beneath your tongue. Hold for about 30 to 60 seconds before swallowing. You should begin to feel its effects within 30 minutes.


CBD edibles come in different forms, like gummies, candies, and chocolates. This type of CBD goes through your digestive system and gets absorbed between 30 minutes to 2 hours. Unlike tinctures, edibles take a longer time before you begin to notice changes. So, wait for some time before deciding whether you need another gummy.

Edible CBD dosage follows the same start low, go slow rule. If you’re using gummies, you can start with a gummy daily. If the product contains a high amount of CBD per gummy, you can start with half a gummy daily. As you progress, you’ll decide if you want to use more capsules of low strength or choose higher potency capsules.


CBD topicals are products like CBD creams, salves, balms, ointments, and lotions. They are a perfect choice for localized relief.

The manufacturer will display the total CBD per container and the product volume. Also, you don’t have to do a lot of work to figure out the CBD dosage you need. Always follow the guideline on the product and use it consistently to achieve the desired results.


Like edibles, CBD capsules and pills come with predetermined doses. So, you don’t have to calculate your CBD dosage. It’s measured already in milligrams per capsule.

When choosing CBD capsules, it’s best to compare products by milligrams. Do a milligram-to-milligram analysis per serving instead of per bottle. You want to know how many milligrams of CBD each capsule contains. Some brands offer up to 200mg CBD per capsule. However, you can find lower strength options with ranges between 15 to 25 milligrams per serving.

Pet Treats

Your pet has the same endocannabinoid system as you. Figuring out CBD dosage for dogs or your pets involves their weight. When using CBD oils for pets, most brands recommend around 1 – 5mg CBD for every 10 pounds of body weight.

Unfortunately, not all pets will enjoy CBD oils. Pet treats provide a more enjoyable experience. When using these treats, it’s best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

What Dosages are Safe?

In a 2011 review, researchers looked at the safety and side effects of CBD. They found that continuous use of CBD, even in doses up to 1500mg CBD per day, is well-tolerated.

2017 update of this particular review also confirmed this finding. However, although CBD is safe even in high dosages, there are a few concerns.

A 2019 study on mice pointed out safety concerns about CBD’s potential for causing liver damage and drug interactions. So, if you’re taking any medications, always consult your doctor before adding CBD to your regimen.

Can You Take Too Much CBD?

As with any substance, you can take more CBD than your body wants. Studies show that CBD is well-tolerated even in high doses of 1500mg daily. However, you must know that each person is different.

For some people, consuming too much CBD can have unwanted side effects. Some of these include lightheadedness, diarrhea, nausea, and upset stomach.

CBD Oil Side Effects

CBD is generally considered safe and well-tolerated by humans. However, some side effects can occur.

Some of the possible side effects of taking CBD include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Changes in appetite
  • Changes in weight
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea

In the end, not all CBD products are created equal. So, when choosing CBD products, always go for reliable brands in the industry. Make sure you research each brand and its products before buying. Also, ensure that the company conducts third-party testing on every product it offers.

While using quality CBD products is safe, we can’t say the same for low-quality CBD. The FDA doesn’t regulate CBD. So, you have to make sure you’re only using superior products.

When Should You Change Your CBD Dosing?

The short answer to this question is to change your dosing when you don’t feel any effects. With that said, you want to continue with a particular CBD dosage for a good time before changing it. That way, you prevent your body from building tolerance quickly.

Monitoring and checking for improvements will help you know when to change your CBD dosage. You can always consult a medical specialist if you’re unsure whether to increase or decrease your dose.

Closing Thoughts

CBD is a continually growing field in terms of research and product offerings. Although we have limited studies, research shows that CBD is beneficial and tolerated by people. We need more studies to help determine the proper CBD dosage for the average person.

While we wait for scientists, you want to use your best judgment to determine how much you should take. It’s best to consult your doctor before using CBD, especially if you are on any medication. Your doctor will help recommend a starting dose.

If your doctor can’t do that, you may want to follow the general CBD guideline. Start with the lowest possible dosage and increase until you start getting results.


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