Can CBD Oil Cause Dry Mouth?

A Women Taking CBD Oil by Tongue

CBD has a generally good safety profile. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs that result in dependency and unwanted side effects, this organic compound has minimal potential side effects. With the increasing popularity of CBD, it’s important for consumers to understand its effectiveness and side effects of CBD. So, can CBD oil cause dry mouth?

Well, CBD oil is one of the supplements that can leave an unpleasant dryness in your mouth. Dry mouth, also known as the cottonmouth effect, usually occurs when this cannabis compound interferes with saliva production.

Why Does CBD Cause Dry Mouth?

It’s true that CBD has a good safety profile. However, it can still result in minimal side effects, and the dry mouth effect is one of the most common and adverse. This side effect can last for a couple of hours until the effects of CBD wear off. But what usually causes it?

Inhibition of Salivary Production

CBD can inhibit the secretion of saliva from the salivary glands, resulting in a dry sensation. It is worth noting that CBD oil usually changes the regularity of the salivary gland in producing saliva, resulting in pain, irritability, and increased thirst.

Higher Dosage

It’s actually one of the main triggers of the dry mouth effect. Many food safety agencies normally advise CBD to take at most 90 m of CBD daily. Therefore, exceeding this amount will most likely result in the cottonmouth effect.

Vaping and Smoking

CBD is a quite versatile compound that can be found in many forms. Smoking results in dryness in the mouth and can also lead to sore throat and damage your lungs. Vaping is a safer alternative to smoking. However, most CBD vape products are made with flavoring additives and thinning agents that are serious health hazards. CBD vape oil can result in a dry mouth effect, severe coughs, and even lung injuries.

Tinctures and Sprays

They are normally used orally, which means that they can quickly reach the salivary glands, resulting in the dry mouth effect. Understand that CBD-infused tinctures and sprays can also result in painful stinging sensations and burns.

Presence of Impurities

Low-quality CBD products are most likely made with toxic byproducts, including impurities that can result in severe health hazards. Some of these impurities are responsible for the cottonmouth effect and can irritate your mouth and lungs.

How is Saliva Formed?

Saliva is an important lubricant that keeps the mouth moist and comfortable. Besides that, it helps to fight germs in the mouth, prevent bad breath and ensures that the dentures are securely placed. Saliva is also important in helping you taste, chew, and swallow food. But how is it formed? The formation of saliva occurs in two stages.

  • Stage I

This stage involves the acinar cells forming a fluid that has a similar composition to plasma. This fluid will move to the oral cavity through the salivary duct. Once it reaches here, the sodium chloride compound is removed, and then bicarbonate and potassium are added. It should be noted that the parasympathetic nervous system usually manages the secretion of saliva. This system also controls other saliva-related processes such as food intake, appetite, and eating anticipation.

  • Stage II

The impulses from the chorda tympani nerve activate the salivary receptors. The chorda tympani nerve comes from the taste buds and usually travels in nerve cell clusters that are found in the submandibular gland. It should be noted that the chorda tympani nerve usually produces acetylcholine compound, a saliva-inducing substance that directly works on the receptors found in the submandibular gland.

Lastly, the formation of saliva involves norepinephrine, a compound that’s produced by the preganglionic nerves. It works directly with the myoepithelial cells that normally surround the acinar cells. This contact also results in the secretion of saliva.

How to Avoid the Dry Mouth Effect

Rather than waiting for the side effects to occur, the best way to handle the dry mouth effect is by finding ways to de-escalate the situation or simply prevent it beforehand.

Dry Mouth

The most effective techniques you can apply include:


Ensure that you hydrate yourself before, during, and after using CBD. This will help diminish the impact of the problem before its onset. Besides that, you can drink other fluids with electrolytes such as warm water and herbal tea that are great in easing a sore throat.

Chew Gum

Instead of sublingually taking or vaping CBD, you can use an alternative method. For instance, you can chew CBD-infused gummies to avoid the cottonmouth effect. This is because the CBD compound will get absorbed directly into the bloodstream via the blood capillaries found under the tongue. It’s worth noting that most organic CBD gummies are sugar-free and aren’t made with artificial ingredients such as aromas and sweeteners. Reputable manufacturers normally use xylitol and peppermint essential oil for flavoring.

So, it’s best to chew gummies containing xylitol since this natural helps activate salivary glands. Therefore, it can help enhance the production of saliva. The best thing about gummies is that they are usually pre-dosed and available in different potencies.

Try Other Forms of CBD

CBD oil normally results in a dry mouth effect since you take it orally. However, you can try other forms of CBD oil, such as topical forms. You don’t need to vape or smoke these products since they are for external application on the skin.

Find Ways to Increase Saliva Production

You can suck on hard candies and lollipops to stimulate your salivary glands to produce more saliva. Alternatively, try to use lozenges and toothpaste since they can increase saliva production by a significant amount.

Eat Fruits

You can get rid of this feeling by eating fresh citrus fruits such as pineapples, oranges, and lemons. Besides that, you can activate your salivary glands by chewing dry fruits and taking ice cubes. A combination of these and hydrating will make the effect go away quickly.

Other Side Effects of CBD

While CBD oil is a well-tolerated product, it can still result in unwanted side effects. This is due to many factors, including metabolism, overdose, allergic reactions, etc. Other common negative side effects of CBD oil include:

Changes in Appetite

CBD has a biphasic nature, which means that it can produce different side effects in the same individual. This is based on the conditions under which the product is used. According to some research studies, CBD is a mild appetite suppressant. On the other hand, some studies have found it can actually increase your appetite. So, when taking CBD oil, it’s important to monitor your body’s response to it and adjust the dosage accordingly.


CBD oil can also result in diarrhea or indigestion. This side effect is common in people who take too much CBD oil, resulting in an overdose that irritates the gastrointestinal tract that triggers diarrhea. Research studies have found that diarrhea mostly occurs when people take more than 300 mg at once.


Do you know why CBD is effective in improving the quality of sleep? Well, it’s because it has sedative effects, and that’s why sometimes it can result in drowsiness or dizziness. However, this side effect normally occurs when you take CBD in higher doses than recommended.


Even though the popularity of CBD products has increased significantly, users need to be aware of what to expect after consumption. CBD oil’s good safety profile doesn’t eliminate the fact that it can result in mild side effects such as the dry mouth effect. Whether using CBD oil for recreational or medicinal purposes, it’s important to be cautious.

Ensure that you take this organic product in the recommended dosage. Start with a lower dosage, then gradually work your way up to avoid overdosing. Besides that, only buy pure, organic CBD products from reputable manufacturers.


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